It took "couple" iterations on Apple to realize they'll must add a password manager to their mobile operating system.
Next Monday, iOS 18 will be released with one. It's called "Passwords":

As I already have a password manager, this isn't a big deal. However, this new password-thingie extends functionality beyond passwords and has something The World has never seen: Possibility to edit Passkeys. (Anti-climatic, huh!)
Taking a closer look, this is what the password-app contains:

Further dill-down on (the never-seen-before) Passkeys:

See how many dupes I have for!
Three years back, I wrote a piece about Passkeys and it required a lot of research, testing and snooping around. Toying around throw-away Passkeys resulted in lot of junk, it seems.
While muttering "my precious", Yubico declared all information on existing passkeys a state secret. After the first one's example all other major Passkeys-providers like Appe and Google followed suit. They hid Passkeys well out of your reach.
I really never got the logic behind that. Why is it not allowed to see your own passkeys? Maybe if your security device is lost, also the criminals can see the list of your passkeys? Puzzling.
Finally I can get rid of all test junk. It took unbelievebly long to get this feature. However, I love the fact it is there.