Back-ported hash_pbkdf2() from PHP 5.5
Tuesday, January 22. 2013
PHP has been lacking properly implemented password-hash function. Many web-sites really would benefit from having such a thing available. Zend Framework -guys implemented that into their ZF2. Nice! But for us not running ZF2, doing 1000 hashes in a loop with PHP-code does not sound like a good idea.
Initially I thought that Mcrypt-project would implement PBKDF2 and PHP would gain the function that way. Apparently they're not interested either.
The good news comes from PHP-project. They implemented hash_pbkdf() into native PHP. Great! The problem is, that PHP 5.5.0 has not been released yet. I didn't want to wait and back-ported the function from PHP 5.5.0 source tree into my own 5.4.11.
For those wanting to build their own, the patch is here: php-5.4.11-pbkdf2.patch
The test from PHP manual page:
$hash = hash_pbkdf2("sha256", $password, $salt, 1, 20);
echo $hash . "\n";
Yields exactly correct result: 120fb6cffcf8b32c43e7
Doing only 1 round is very naive. The recommended minimum is 1000 and apparently 2000 is the way to go. I took Zend Framework's Zend\Crypt\Key\Derivation\Pbkdf2 as a reference and did 2000 rounds instead of 20. Both algoritms return exactly the same result, though they handle the length-parameter differently. ZF2 assumes bytes, but PHP's native version assumes hex-string length. But I did iron out the difference in my code.
The native version does 2000 rounds in 0.00674 seconds, and native PHP-version does that in 0.012470 seconds, so C-compiled binary is 100% faster.
My test code for native version:
$password = "password";
$salt = "salt";
$now = microtime(true);
$hash = hash_pbkdf2("sha256", $password, $salt, 2000, 20);
$dura = microtime(true) - $now;
echo $hash . "\n";
echo sprintf("%12.11F", $dura) . " seconds\n";
My test code for Zend Framework 2 version:
require_once 'Hmac.php';
require_once 'Pbkdf2.php';
$password = "password";
$salt = "salt";
$now = microtime(true);
$hash = Zend\Crypt\Key\Derivation\Pbkdf2::calc("sha256", $password, $salt, 2000, 10);
$dura = microtime(true) - $now;
echo bin2hex($hash) . "\n";
echo sprintf("%12.11F", $dura) . " seconds\n";
If you're site is not storing passwords properly, its about time to start now.
Diary of a Pentester
Wednesday, January 16. 2013
There is this guy, whose hobby is to do penetration testing for websites of his interest. He's a white hat -guy, so he does his best to inform webmasters. Quite often he reaches nobody and eventually publishes his findings.
Janne's blog is at I'd sure hate to see one of my sites listed there.