Comment spamming - Akismet
Sunday, March 3. 2013
Looks like running a blog has surpassed e-mail as the means of conveying spam. I wrote earlier about lot of automated comments, but the freemason idiots seemed to stop as they realized that their valuable information is not getting posted.
It does not mean, that I was left alone. Couple of other idiots started the same thing and I had to do something to stop their stupidity. So, I created a personal account at Akismet, there are plenty of information about them and most of the comments are about how using their service stops the spam flood completely. Luckily Serendipity supports Akismet's service out-of-the box and the setup was very simple.
Looks like, they're doing the same thing for blogs as SpamCop is doing for e-mail. And that is, essentially grinding spamming to halt. SpamCop have proven their value, it remains to be seen how effective Akismet actually is.