Purpose of Git by The Man himself
Monday, April 11. 2016
Two facts: I'm not a fan of Git, actually I dislike it very much. The second one is: I use git daily in my line of work. The (almost) third one is, that I'm pretty much alone with my thoughts.
Steve Bennet shares some of my dislikement, his blog posting 10 things I hate about Git is one of my definite favorites. Actually I don't agree on every one of his points there. Especially #8 I kinda think as a good thing to have and do.
So, my opinion is, that pretty much nobody should be using Git. That being said, it's the #1 version control tool used widely by every single major organization producing any software at all. For example Microsoft is (or at least was) putting lot of development hours into libgit to make it suit their needs better. It would be impossible to land a software development job today without any skills with git. It's a de facto thing among my peers. Its not going anywhere, at least anytime soon.
The reason why IMHO almost nobody should be using Git is that it suits everyday work poorly. If your everyday work is developing Linux kernel, then you're excluded. The tool will suit your needs perfectly. The reason is revealed by author himself in TED February 2016.
Go see the interview here.
So, here goes:
The purpose of Git is "only created for me to maintain my first big project", aka. Linux kernel. It's not meant for me, it's not meant for small or medium or large organizations to use. Git was meant for Mr. Torvalds to use and help his project management. No wonder I find it unsuitable for my line of work.