Sanuli-Konuli RPA-edition
Sunday, February 13. 2022
Previously I wrote a Wordle-solver, Sanuli-Konuli. The command-line -based user-interface isn't especially useful for non-programmers, so I took the solver a bit further and automated the heck out of it.
There is a sample Youtube-video (13+ minutes) of the solver solving 247 puzzles in-a-row. Go watch it here:
If you want to run this automated solver on your own computer against Sanuli, some Python-assembly is required. Process the dictionary and make sure you can run Selenium from your development environment. Solver-script is at
The logic I wrote earlier is rather straightforward and too naive. I added some Selenium-magic to solver to write a screenshot of every win (overwriting previous one) and every failure (timestamped). A quick analysis of 5-6 failures revealed the flaw in my logic. As above screenshot depicts, applying improved logic in a scenario where four out of five letters were known and two guesses were still left, changing only one letter may or may not work, but depends on luck before running out of guesses. In improved approach would be to write detect code and when this scenario is detected, doing a completely different kind of "guess" throwing away those four known letters, determining a set of potential letters from set of words and finding a word from dictionary containg most of the unknown letters which would fit would be much smarter approach. Then one letter should be green and rest not, then doing a last guess with that letter should solve the puzzle. So, my logic is good until a point where one letter is missing and then its fully luck-based one.
In above game, guess #4 was "liima" with M as not being correct. At that point of the puzzle, potentially matching words "liiga, liina, liira" would result in potential letters G, N and R, then guess #5 woud be "rangi" (found in dictionary). Making such a guess would reveal letter N as the correct missing letter making guess #6 succeed with "liina".
As I said, this logic has not been implemented and I don't think improving the guessing algorithm any further is beneficial. I may take a new project to work with.
Standard disclaimer applies: If you have any comments or feedback, please drop me a line.
Databricks CentOS 8 stream containers
Monday, February 7. 2022
Last November I created CentOS 8 -based Databricks containers.
At the time of tinkering with them, I failed to realize my base was off. I simply used the CentOS 8.4 image available at Docker Hub. On later inspection that was a failure. Even for 8.4, the image was old and was going to be EOLd soon after. Now that 31st Dec -21 had passed I couldn't get any security patches into my system. To put it midly: that's bad!
What I was supposed to be using, was the CentOS 8 stream image from Initially my reaction was: "What's a Why would I want to use that?"
Thanks Merriam-Webster for that, but it doesn't help.
On a closer look, it looks like all RedHat container -stuff is not at, they're in
Simple thing: update the base image, rebuild all Databricks-images and done, right? Yup. Nope. The images built from steam didn't work anymore. Uff! They failed working that bad, not even Apache Spark driver was available. No querying driver logs for errors. A major fail, that!
Well. Seeing why driver won't work should be easy, just SSH into the driver an take a peek, right? The operation is documented by Microsoft at SSH to the cluster driver node. Well, no! According to me and couple of people asking questions like How to login SSH on Azure Databricks cluster, it is NOT possible to SSH into Azure Databricks node.
Looking at Azure Databricks architecture overview gave no clues on how to see inside of a node. I started to think nobody had ever done it. Also enabling diagnostic logging required the premium (high-prized) edition of Databricks, which wasn't available to me.
At this point I was in a full whatta-hell-is-going-on!? -mode.
Digging into documentation, I found out, it was possible to run a Cluster node initialization scripts, then I knew what to do next. As I knew it was possible to make requests into the Internet from a job running in a node, I could write an intialization script which during execution would dig me a SSH-tunnel from the node being initialized into something I would fully control. Obiviously I chose one of my own servers and from that SSH-tunneled back into the node's SSH-server. Double SSH, yes, but then I was able to get an interactive session into the well-protected node. An interactive session is what all bad people would want into any of the machines they'll crack into. Tunneling-credit to other people: quite a lot of my implementation details came from How does reverse SSH tunneling work?
To implement my plan, I crafted following cluster initialization script:
LOG_FILE="/dbfs/cluster-logs/$DB_CLUSTER_ID-init-$(date +"%F-%H:%M").log"
exec >> "$LOG_FILE"
echo "$(date +"%F %H:%M:%S") Setup SSH-tunnel"
mkdir -p /root/.ssh
cat > /root/.ssh/authorized_keys <<EOT
ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 AAAAE2V0bV+TrsFVcsA==
echo "$(date +"%F %H:%M:%S") Install and setup SSH"
dnf install openssh-server openssh-clients -y
/usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen ecdsa
/usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen rsa
/usr/libexec/openssh/sshd-keygen ed25519
echo "$(date +"%F %H:%M:%S") - Add p-key"
cat > /root/.ssh/nobody_id_ecdsa <<EOT
chmod go= /root/.ssh/nobody_id_ecdsa
echo "$(date +"%F %H:%M:%S") - SSH dir content:"
echo "$(date +"%F %H:%M:%S") Open SSH-tunnel"
ssh -f -N -T \
-R22222:localhost:22 \
-i /root/.ssh/nobody_id_ecdsa \
-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \ -p 443
Note: Above ECDSA-keys have been heavily shortened making them invalid. Don't copy passwords or keys from public Internet, generate your own secrets. Always! And if you're wondering, the original keys have been removed.
Note 2: My init-script writes log into DBFS, see exec >> "$LOG_FILE"
about that.
My plan succeeded. I got in, did the snooping around and then it took couple minutes when Azure/Databrics -plumbing realized driver was dead, killed the node and retried the startup-sequence. Couple minutes was plenty of time to eyeball /databricks/spark/logs/
and /databricks/driver/logs/
and deduce what was going on and what was failing.
Looking at simplified Databricks (Apache Spark) architecture diagram:
Spark driver failed to start because it couldn't connect into cluster manager. Subsequently, cluster manager failed to start as ps
-command wasn't available. It was in good old CentOS, but in base stream it was removed. As I got progress, also ip
-command was needed. I added both and got the desired result: a working CentOS 8 stream Spark-cluster.
Notice how I'm specifying HTTPS-port (TCP/443) in the outgoing SSH-command (see: -p 443
). In my attempts to get a session into the node, I deduced following:
As Databricks runs in it's own sandbox, also outgoing traffic is heavily firewalled. Any attempts to access SSH (TCP/22) are blocked. Both HTTP and HTTPS are known to work as exit ports, so I spoofed my SSHd there.
There are a number of different containers. To clarify which one to choose, I drew this diagram:
In my sparking, I'll need both Python and DBFS, so my choice is dbfsfuse. Most users would be happy with standard, but it only adds SSHd which is known not to work. ssh has the same exact problem. The reason for them to exist, is because in AWS SSHd does work. Among the changes from good old CentOS into stream is lacking FUSE. Old one had FUSE even in minimal, but not anymore. You can access DBFS only with dbfsfuse or standard from now on.
If you want to take my CentOS 8 brick-containers for a spin, they are still here:, now they are maintained and get security patches too!
Sanuli-konuli - Wordle solver
Sunday, February 6. 2022
Wordle is a popular word game. In just a couple months the popularity rose so fast New York Times bought the whole thing from Josh Wardle, the original author.
As always, a popular game gets the cloners moving. Also another thing about Worlde is the English language. What if somebody (like me) isn't a native speaker. It is very difficult in the middle of a game to come up with a word like "skirl". There is an obvious need for localized versions. In Finland, such a clone is Sanuli. A word-game, a clone of Wordle, but with Finnish words.
From software engineering point-of-view, this is a simple enough problem to solve. Get a dictionary of words, filter out all 5-letter words, store them to a list for filtering by game criteria. And that's exactly what I did in my "word machine",
The code is generic to support any language and any dictionary.
Example Wordle game
Attempt #1
To get the initial word, I ran:
./cli-utils/ words/nltk-wordnet2021-5-words_v1.dat
Command's output was a randomly selected word "mucor".
As seen above, that resulted all gray tiles. No matches.
Attempt #2
Second attempt with excluded lettes: words/nltk-wordnet2021-5-words_v1.dat "mucor"
Command's output was a randomly selected word "slake".
This time game started boucing my way! First letter 'S' is on green and two yellow ones for 'L' and 'K'.
Attempt #3
Third attempt wasn't for initial word, this time I had clues to narrow down the word. A command to do this with above clues would be: words/nltk-wordnet2021-5-words_v1.dat "s...." "ae" ".l.k."
Out of multiple possible options, a randomly selected word matching criteria was: "skirl"
Nice result there! Four green ones.
Note: Later, when writing this blog post, I realized the command has an obvious flaw. I should have excluded all known gray letters "mucore". Should my command have been: words/nltk-wordnet2021-5-words_v1.dat "s...." "mucorae" ".l.k."
The ONLY matching word would have been "skill" at this point.
Attempt #4 - Win!
Applying all the green letters, the command to run would be: words/nltk-wordnet2021-5-words_v1.dat "ski.l" "ar" "....."
This results in a single word: "skill" which will win the game!
I've been told this brute-force approach of mine takes tons of joy out of the word-game. You have to forgive me, my hacker brain is wired to instantly think of a software solution to a problem not needing one.