When I first saw an ad popping from my Windows 7 system tray I was pretty convinced, that my computer had been hijacked, keylogger installed, all my files sent to a Chinese server and police knocking down my door, because my machine is serving cp-pics in a torrent network. Then I realized, that the advertisement is about Nero. A software, that I bought and installed voluntarily. See:

As you can see from the dates on the pictures, that I've been waiting for this to happen again. This time I was ready and could confirm, that the culprit was indeed Nero. It is totally unclear to me, if I agreed to this in end user license agreement, but that's what they are doing. Perhaps I also gave the birth rights of my first born son like F-Secure did in London (see: Londoners give up eldest children in public Wi-Fi security horror show). Anyway, I'm not exactly happy, that they choose to do this. Nobody knows what else are they doing.
By googling, I found out, that I'm no alone with this problem. Nero's own discussion forum has a thread with topic Why do you think it's acceptable to spam people's PCs?, and there is actually removal instructions.
First go to Task Scheduler:

There is an own folder for Nero and in it, there is a NeroInfo running at install time every 2 days. It most certainly does not display ads every time it runs, but there is the master of this botnet somewhere giving instructions on when to run and what to display. Just delete the task:

And finish it off by deleting the files also:

Now it should stay off for a while! This is a fine specimen of paid software screwing you to the ass.