Over four years ago I wrote about my weather station setup. Well ... It doesn't exist anymore. There was a severe thunderstorm and my gadgets weren't properly fastened to the steel pipe and this happened:

After weather cleared, I realized the lack of readings from my garage roof. The poor temperature unit / CPU was upside down, hanging from some wirings and FULL OF WATER! Ufff! Electronics and water won't mix. At least not well.
My zip-ties didn't like the ping pong -ball sized hail:

The picture from sunroofing is from my friend's place. He has some tinkering to do, to get this deck roofing fixed. That piece of plastic didn't survive chunks of ice plummeting from the sky.
To get my weather properly measured and data-logged, I already put a purchase order for a new unit. This time I'm going for a Davis Vantage Vue. Also, to save money this time I'm attaching it properly!