Deprecated SHA-1 hashing in TLS
Sunday, November 3. 2019
This blog post is about TLS-protocol. It is a constantly evolving beast. Mastering TLS is absolutely necessary, as it is one the most common and widely used components keeping our information secure in The Net.
December 2018: Lot of obsoleted TLS-stuff deprecated
Nearly an year ago, Google as the developer of Chrome browser deprecated SHA-1 hashes in TLS. In Chrome version 72 (December 2018) they actually did deprecate TLS 1 and TLS 1.1 among other things. See 72 release notes for all the details.
Making TLS 1.2 mandatory actually isn't too bad. Given Qualsys SSL Labs SSL Pulse stats:
96,0% of the servers tested (n=130.000) in SSL Labs tester support TLS 1.2. So IMHO, with reasonable confidence we're at the point where the 4% rest can be ignored.
The change was properly announced early enough and a lot of servers did support TLS 1.2 at the time of this transition, so the actual deprection went well. Not many people complained in The Net. Funnily enough, people (like me) make noise when things don't go their way and (un)fortunately in The Net that noise gets carried far. The amount of noise typically doesn't correlate anything, but phrase where there is smoke - there's fire seems to be true. In this instance, deprecating old TLS-versions and SHA-1 hashing made no smoke.
Aftermath in Chrome
Now that we have been in post SHA-1 world for a while, funny stuff starts happening. On rare occasion, this happens in Chrome:
In Chrome developer tools Security-tab has a complaint: Connection - obsolete connection settings. The details state: The server signature users SHA-1, which is obsolete. (Note this is different from the signature in the certificate.)
Seeing that warning is uncommon, other than me have bumped into that one. An example: How to change signature algorithm to SHA-2 on IIS/Plesk
I think I'm well educated in the details of TLS, but this one baffled me and lots of people. Totally!
What's not a "server signature" hash in TLS?
I did reach out to number of people regarding this problem. 100% of them suggested to check my TLS cipher settings. In TLS, a cipher suite describes the algorithms and hashes used for encryption/decryption. The encrypted blocks are authenticated with a hash-function.
Here is an example of a cipher suite used in loading a web page:
That cipher suite is code 0xC02F in TLS-protocol (aka. ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256). Lists of all available cipher suites can be found for example from
But as I already said, the obsoletion error is not about SHA-1 hash in a cipher suite. There exists a number of cipher suites with SHA-1 hashes in them, but I wasn't using one.
Second clue is from the warning text. It gives you a hint: Note this is different from the signature in the certificate ... This error wasn't about X.509 certificate hashing either. A certificate signature looks like this:
That is an example of the X.509 certificate used in this blog. It has a SHA-256 signature in it. Again: That is a certificate signature, not a server signature the complaint is about. SHA-1 hashes in certificates were obsoleted already in 2016, the SHA-1 obsoletion of 2018 is about rest of the TLS.
What is a "server signature" hash in TLS?
As I'm not alone with this, somebody else has asked this question in Stackexchange: What's the signature structure in TLS server key exchange message? That's the power of Stackexchange in action, some super-smart person has written a proper answer to the question. From the answer I learn, that apparently TLS 1 and TLS 1.1 used MD-5 and/or SHA-1 signatures. The algorithms where hard-coded in the protocol. In TLS 1.2 the great minds doing the protocol spec decided to soft-code the chosen server signature algorithm allowing secure future options to be added. Note: Later in 2019, IETF announced Deprecating MD5 and SHA-1 signature hashes in TLS 1.2 leaving the good ones still valid.
On the wire, TLS server signature would look like this, note how SHA-1 is used to trigger the warning in Chrome:
During TLS-connection handshake, Server Key Exchange -block specifies the signature algorithm used. That particular server I used loved signing with SHA-1 making Chrome complain about the chosen (obsoleted) hash algorithm. Hard work finally paid off, I managed to isolate the problem.
Fixing server signature hash
The short version is: It really cannot be done!
There is no long version. I looked long and hard. No implementation of Apache or Nginx on a Linux or IIS on Windows have setting for server signature algorithm. Since I'm heavily into cloud-computing and working with all kinds of load balancers doing TLS offloading, I bumped into this even harder. I can barely affect available TLS protocol versions and cipher suites, but changing the server signature is out-of-reach for everybody. After studying this, I still have no idea how the server signature algorithm is chosen in common web servers like Apache or Nginx.
So, you either have this working or not and there is nothing you can do to fix. Whoa!
Komodikkio on :
I read it lot of times, trying to find a solution for this "server signature hash" trouble.
I also found your comment on sslscan git, because that's the same tool i used to find this issue.
Have you been able to find some way to fix this on an nginx sever? I've been not
King regards
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