Linux-distros are having a race for the most popular one. Part of the setup is to have the latest Linux kernel, and any other part of the software library a distro has. This effect yields into a "nice" effect where running the bleeding edge distros (Fedora, ArchLinux, Debian sid, etc.) every now and then something breaks.
The latest race is with PHP programming language which is nearing the 5.5.0 release. It has an RC3 version already out. Now the problem is that distro-guys start using the latest stuff, but PHP has incompatible changes in it. Plenty of things made with PHP 5.4 or 5.3 or ... won't run.
One of them is phpLDAPadmin. For some incomprehensible reason they are using stuff, which has been flagged as obsoleted years ago. So, it won't work. Luckily somebody at Debian made a fix. That makes my system's LDAP-admin working again. Hopefully somebody does the same with with all of the PEAR packages.
This is what you get when running alpha version of Fedora 19.